Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

  • Marc Bocquet has been co-chair of the INSU/LEFE ASSIM scientific commitee until September 2011. He is now co-chair of the INSU/LEFE MANU scientific commitee (since October 2011), which replaces LEFE ASSIM. Marc Bocquet is a member of the Scientific Council of the CERFACS institute in Toulouse, France. He is Associate Editor of the Quaterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society.

  • Isabelle Herlin is member of the Scientific Council of CSFRS (High Council for Strategic Education and Research in France). She was member of the Program Committee of the Workshop ofAerial Video Processing, joint with IEEE CVPR2011. She is organising a session on "Analysis of data of different scales and sources for mesoscale environmental models" for the International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs2012).